How to live with psoriasis

girl thinking about life with psoriasis

The chronic disease psoriasis leads to a marked deterioration in the quality of life of patients due to its marked external manifestations.

In addition to physical discomfort and external deficits, patients experience psychological difficulties related to social and professional domains.

Because plaque ruins the appearance, it can be difficult for a person to find a job, try a new sport and run a family.

If we're talking about plaques on the face, neck and head, the patient may be completely socially unfit. Such people are often the object of ridicule or squinting, and thus feel inferior.

Low self-esteem, inability to find a soul mate, constant itching and discomfort - all of which come with severe depression.

But don't think that life is over after a diagnosis. Rather, it fuels professional and social development. Let's think about how to coexist with psoriasis, not turning the disease into a disadvantage, but a motivation to move forward, how to eat right so that the disease is not so obvious, and how to show it can lead to many new opportunities.

Let's make life easier together

It is easier to experience NCDs that can worsen a patient's quality of life if you follow the advice of experts.

  • Since the specificity of psoriasis becomes more apparent in the context of infectious diseases, patients should devote all efforts to the application of preventive measures. We will have to fight aggressively against cholecystitis, tooth decay, tonsillitis.
  • It is important not to focus on the disease. This involves your own long-term work, but the results will surprise you. Nervousness does not do any good other than make it worse, so avoiding stress is the main task.
  • Patients should be careful to protect their skin from various traumas and other phenomena, as even the smallest scratches can cause large patches to form on the skin.
  • The choice of cosmetics is the main task you have to deal with. When bathing or showering, you should use oils instead of gels and soaps. Towels are completely contraindicated; soft sponges are suitable.
  • Solar radiation has a beneficial effect on the details and processes of the process, so their adoption will ensure long-term and rapid mitigation.
  • The clothes you wear every day should be made of natural fabrics so that the skin is not stressed, as this can lead to new plaques. Synthetic fabrics should be completely excluded from the wardrobe.
  • You can engage in physical activity, which can be especially beneficial if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. But overuse is definitely not recommended: the load should be moderate.
  • Try to avoid exposure to household chemicals and laundry detergents. Avoid skin contact with varnishes, paints and solvents that may worsen disease.
  • Psoriasis should not be self-medicated, and you should not drink medication unless prescribed by your primary care professional. Otherwise, the disease may worsen.

If you want people with psoriasis to live the same life as healthy people, you must learn to live with the disease and follow expert advice.

About the patient's quality of life

The quality of life of people with psoriasis deteriorates significantly. The degree of damage depends on the localization of the skin lesions and the severity of the disease in patients with psoriasis. Also, there may be problems finding a job.

Painful sensations and severe itching can severely hinder simple body care activities, sleep, and walking. People with the disease are forced to limit themselves to certain activities on a daily basis, especially the choice of food and cosmetic accessories.

health monitoring

Treating Psoriasis with Green Salad

Even mildly weakened immune systems, such as colds and flu, can be a significant cause of psoriasis.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to strengthen the immune system with the help of a multivitamin complex.

Vitaminization of the body in psoriasis is one of the prerequisites that helps reduce the intensity of symptoms of the disease and prolong the interval between remissions.

The choice of an effective vitamin for psoriasis and its dosage is determined by the doctor. Depending on the test results, the intensity of the disease, the affected skin area, the age and sex of the patient, the specialist prescribes the necessary means in each case.

It is important to ensure that necessary vaccinations, including shots against the flu virus, are delivered in a timely manner. Don't forget to take a walk outside.

Lifestyle Revamp

During psoriasis, it is important to reconsider all of your principles, principles and habits. Looks like a lot needs to change.

  • reject sweets;
  • Do not eat smoked food;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • quit smoking;
  • monitoring nutrition;
  • Move moderately.

Give up not only active smoking, but also passive smoking, because tobacco particles can get on the skin, which can lead to serious exacerbation of the disease.

sleep and rest for patients

Sleep and Rest in Psoriasis

Patients diagnosed with this disorder should have a special relationship with sleep patterns. This is because lack of sleep can make the disease 2-3 times more severe, which can be explained by a marked weakening of the immune system. The same goes for breaks.

Get as much access to nature as possible, and treatments in countries with mild climates are appropriate. Nursing home treatment is another way to overcome vivid manifestations of disease progression.

In most cases, patients with psoriasis receive spa treatments at seaside resorts. Physicians were almost unanimous on this issue, observing an improvement in clinical condition and a prolonged course of remission.

Moderate sunbathing, swimming in sea water, and walking along the coast are not only healing but also help to normalize the emotional background. At sea, many feel better than in urban areas.

Fasting: Is it Necessary?

"Cleansing Hunger" is often used recently to flush out toxins from the body while draining the sores. Generally, that's not bad, but if a person has psoriasis, this behavior can lead to a dramatic exacerbation of the disease.

Depending on the stage of neglected disease, a clean treatment procedure can last from 1-7 days, but you should consult your doctor. Ignoring these recommendations can lead not only to worsening psoriasis but also overall health.

Abuse of UV light

There is scientific evidence that UV light has a good effect on the progression of disease, but as they say - "kind of good". If you ignore the law and stay in the sun for a long time, the deterioration of the condition is inevitable.

Exacerbations usually start in winter, when you can receive a course of laser treatment. In addition, psoriasis patients are also banned from solariums.

Physical exercise

You shouldn't back down and live an aloof lifestyle, don't leave home. Moderate exercise in psoriasis is a habitual method of preventing exacerbations, so walking is often performed in the form of exercise walking or short jogging in fresh air to improve overall physical improvement.

diet food

Lifestyle when sick includes the principle of proper nutrition that must be followed. Few people know that any form of psoriasis is a manifestation of allergic factors, which is why patients must adhere to the norms and principles of proper nutrition.

food for psoriasis

It comes down to excluding foods from the diet that contain allergens and can lead to worsening.

  • A complete diet is the key to health and well-being;
  • A balance of fat, carbohydrate, and protein components is a prerequisite;
  • Removing the allergen will shorten and prolong the remission period.

What to exclude:

  • Citrus fruits are the strongest allergens. People with diseases should exclude them in any form, even in juices.
  • Eggs are foods that can cause allergic reactions. You can replace them with quail eggs.
  • Whole milk can lead to worse overall health. However, dairy products cannot be completely ruled out.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits with red pigment - tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries. It can be eaten after heat treatment.
  • Spicy, smoky, greasy and fried foods need to be removed from the diet.
  • Mushrooms in any form and method of preparation.
  • Spices - Spices and seasonings, and plenty of table salt.
  • Sauce-based additives - ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard. Replacing them with sour cream is worth the extra benefits for the body.

All foods are best eaten baked, boiled or stewed. The principle of fractionated nutrition must be followed - that is, many times, but in small amounts. Overeating can lead to serious health problems.

Fasting for a few days is important if you get sicker, but don't confuse these days with healthy cleansing. On fasting days, one should not fast but use only one product - apples, kefir. Fasting once a week is recommended.

The lifestyle of a person with psoriasis can be normal and quite stressful if you follow the advice given.